Recursive Functions Recursive functions, or functions that call themselves, offer considerable practical value to the programmer and a...

Recursive Functions Recursive functions, or functions that call themselves, offer considerable practical value to the programmer and a...
Using Type Hinting PHP 5 introduced a new feature known as Type hinting , which gives you the ability to force parameters to be object...
Passing Arguments by Value You‘ll often find it useful to pass data into a function . As an example, let’s create a function that calcu...
You’ll often find that some tasks are comprised of bits of logic which can be reused elsewhere, not only within the same application bu...
You have already been told about the Type specifiers for printf() and scanf(). Now here’s the complete list of conversion specifiers fo...
Congrats!! You have so far covered almost each and every building block of PHP scripting language and all these topics will help you in...
File-Inclusion Statements Efficient programmers are always thinking in terms of ensuring reusability and modularity. The most prevalent...
The foreach Statement The foreach looping construct syntax is adept at looping through arrays , pulling each key/value pair from the a...
Looping Statements Although varied approaches exist, looping statements are a fixture in every widespread programming language. Loopi...
Control structures determine the flow of code within an application, defining execution characteristics such as whether and how many time...
When you need to control which php [ more about php scripting language ] code should be parsed and which should not or you want to beauti...
Equality Operators Equality operators (see Table below) , as the name suggest, are used to compare two values, testing for equivale...
Assignment Operators The assignment operators assign a data value to a variable . The simplest form of assignment operator just assign...